I moonlighted as a freelance editor for a while.

As a career counselor for the past 30+ years, I’ve helped people figure out the sort of work they can do to feed their soul and pay the bills. If I were to counsel myself and could start over, I’d be a book editor. I did manage to stumble into freelance book editing back in the mid 2000s when the developmental editor of one of my books at MacMillan Publishing said,

“Have you ever thought of being an editor? You have a talent for it. You edit as you write.” And so began a side business of book doctoring, developmental editing, copy editing, and author consultations for several years.

My editing background means that I’ve been on the other side of the manuscript and have developed an appreciation and respect for the editing process and deadlines, as well as for publishing as a business.

Books edited

The Inner Compass Process: Using Childhood Memories to Guide Your Career Change, Danielle Roessle, Inner Compass Press, 2021. (Developmental editor)

Find a Job through Social Networking, Diane Crompton and Ellen Sautter, JIST Publishing, 2011. (Developmental editor)

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Government Contracts, John Lauderdale, Alpha / Simon & Schuster, 2009. (Book doctor)

Seven Days to Online Networking, Diane Crompton and Ellen Sautter, JIST Publishing, 2008. (Developmental editor)

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Buying a Piano, Marty Flinn and Jennifer Flinn, Alpha / Simon & Schuster, 2008. (Book doctor / ghostwriter)

The Howell Book of Dogs: The Definitive Reference to 300 Breeds, Liz Palika, Random House, 2007. (Copy editor)

The Quick Resume and Cover Letter Book, 3rd edition, Michael Farr, JIST Publishing, 2005. (Ghostwriter, 2 chapters)

Over-40 Job Search Guide, Gail Geary, JIST Publishing, 2005. (Author consultant and expert reviewer)

Chosen to Believe: Present Dreams, Past Lives, Angela Grubbs, Pink Elephant Press, 2005. (Developmental editor)